Thursday, April 18, 2024

On the military expenditures of states in the world

Due to political problems and security concerns, states are increasing their military expenditures day by day. Many states are increasing their military expenditures to show their deterrent power, even if they do not use it. If there was a one-world state, states would not have to spend so much on military spending, and there would be no problems such as inflation, poverty and hunger in the countries concerned. The people living in the countries concerned suffer the problems of political problems arising from ethnic and religious differences. That's why I'm in favor of a one-world state. The increase in military expenditure of states is in the interest of the biggest military companies in the world. Locheed Martin is the most important company in this regard. Do you think the world's biggest military equipment manufacturers would like to see an end to political problems? 

 2023 Information on State Military Expenditure in the Year 2023:


In 2023, worldwide military spending reached a historic high of $2.2 trillion. This represents a 1% increase compared to 2022.

Much of the increase is due to spending in countries in Europe. In particular, the war in Ukraine has led to significant increases in defense budgets in the region.

The countries in the top 10 are as follows:

USA $877 billion

China $292 billion

Russia: 86.4 billion dollars

India: $81.4 billion

Saudi Arabia: 75 billion dollars

United Kingdom: $68.5 billion

Germany 55.8 billion dollars

France 53.6 billion dollars

South Korea 46.4 billion dollars

Japan 46 billion dollars

Some Detailed Information:

US: Increased defense spending by 0.7% to $877 billion by 2022. This figure accounts for 40% of global military spending.

China: Increased its military spending by 4.2% to $292 billion by 2022. This increase is seen as an indicator of China's quest to catch up with the US.

Russia: Spent $86.4 billion on its war in Ukraine, up 9.2% from 2022.

Ukraine: Due to the war, it increased its defense spending by 640% to over $20 billion, making it the 11th highest spending country in the world.

NATO: Total defense spending by NATO members is close to $1 trillion. This represents 45% of NATO's global military spending.
Turkey: In 2023, Turkey spent 339.9 billion Turkish Liras (about $15.8 billion) on military spending, making it the 10th largest spender in NATO. This is equivalent to 1.31% of GDP.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Problems caused by the large number of people on Earth


The world population, which was 1.9 billion in 1924, is now 7.8 billion.  Depending on the population growth rate, problems and issues are increasing in the world. The cause of global injustice is not only the ultra-rich, but population growth!  Let's look at the problems caused by overpopulation! 

Environmental Issues:

Resource Depletion: Growing populations are increasing demand for limited resources such as food, water, energy and raw materials. This leads to problems such as deforestation, water scarcity and soil erosion.

Pollution: As the population grows, so does air, water and soil pollution. This pollution has a negative impact on human health and ecosystems.

Climate Change: Increasing greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming and climate change. This can lead to more extreme weather events, sea level rise and mass extinctions.

Social Issues:

Poverty and Inequality: A growing population can lead to increased poverty and inequality. Access to basic needs may become more difficult and income inequality may increase.

Food Insecurity: It can become difficult to produce enough food, leading to hunger and malnutrition.

Housing Problems: A growing population increases the need for housing. This can lead to rising housing prices and a shortage of affordable housing.

Crime and Violence: Population density and poverty can contribute to increased crime and violence.

Political Problems:

Political Instability: Population growth and resource scarcity can lead to political instability and conflict.

Migration: People may migrate in search of better living conditions. This can lead to marginalization of migrants and social tension.

War: Competition for resources and political instability can lead to wars.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Leaders overthrown and coups carried out by the US and NATO in the last 20 years

Overthrowing Dictators:

Afghanistan (2001): The Taliban regime was overthrown by a US-led coalition.

Iraq (2003): Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled by a US-led coalition.

Libya (2011): Muammar Gaddafi's regime was toppled by NATO intervention and clashes with the opposition.

Egypt (2011): Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule ended with the Arab Spring protests.

Tunisia (2011): Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year authoritarian rule ended in a popular uprising.

Yemen (2011): Ali Abdullah Saleh's 33-year rule was weakened by Arab Spring protests and he was later killed in clashes with rebels.

Burkina Faso (2014): Blaise Compaoré's 27-year authoritarian rule ended in a popular uprising.

Sudan (2019): Omar al-Bashir's 30-year rule ended in a popular uprising.

Military Coups:

Honduras (2009): The democratically elected government of Manuel Zelaya was overthrown by the military.

Egypt (2013): The democratically elected government of Mohamed Morsi was overthrown by the military.

Burkina Faso (2015): Michel Kafando's interim government was overthrown by the military.

Myanmar (2021): The civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi was overthrown by the military.

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 While there is no single guaranteed way to live a long and healthy life, there are many things you can do that increase that possibility. Here are some important tips backed by scientists and people living longer.Your Lifestyle Choices:Eat a healthy diet: A diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins provides essential nutrients for your overall health.Exercise regularly: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-paced aerobic exercise per week and two days a week of muscle-strengthening exercises.Quit smoking: Smoking is one of the leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer and stroke.Avoid excessive drinking: Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver and lead to other health problems.Get enough sleep: For adults, 7-8 hours of sleep each night is ideal.Manage stress: Find healthy ways to reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.Socialize: Build and maintain strong bonds with family and friends.Don't neglect your health check-ups:See your doctor regularly: Your doctor can monitor your overall health and detect potential health problems early.Get all recommended vaccinations: Vaccines can protect you from diseases such as flu, pneumonia and measles.Get regular cancer screenings: Cancer has a better chance of being treated when it is detected early.Do not neglect your health check-ups:See your doctor regularly: Your doctor can monitor your general health and detect potential health problems early.Get all recommended vaccinations: Vaccines can protect you from diseases such as flu, pneumonia and measles.Get regular cancer screenings: Cancer has a better chance of being treated when it is detected early.Use sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.Drink plenty of water.Have a positive outlook.Give your life meaning and purpose.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Have you ever wondered what the United States, which detonated atomic bombs in the 1940s and wiped Hiroshima and Nagasaki off the map, could do with the same technology years later?

The United States of America is still a superpower. 

The United States of America is capable of creating artificial earthquakes. The United States can make it rain wherever you are in the world and make the sun shine for the pleasure of its dick. Or make it snow where the fuck it pleases. Nasa has perfected climate change.

As long as the dollar is the reserve currency, the United States will remain a superpower. 

The impulsive statements of the leaders of countries with cheap labor are hollow. China, Turkey, Iran, Russia are all cheap labor in dollars and euros. The US allows their national and religious arguments to work better, which is why robotic technology costs more to maintain. 

With its banking system and software companies, the United States has the biggest big data in the world. 

I thought I would write when I saw the nonsensical statements of empty politicians talking ignorantly. 

Haluk Köseoğlu

Monday, April 8, 2024

How can one know oneself?

Knowing yourself is one of the oldest and most difficult questions of humankind. For centuries, philosophers, psychologists, and religious leaders have sought the answer to this question.

There is no one way to know yourself. It can mean different things to different people.

Here are some ways to know yourself:

Become aware of your emotions and thoughts: Developing awareness of your emotions and thoughts can help you understand yourself better. When and why do your emotions arise? How realistic are your thoughts? Reflecting on these questions can help you get to know yourself better.Identify your strengths and weaknesses: Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Work on developing your strengths and improving your weaknesses.Determine your values: What is most important to you in life? What do you stand for? Determining your values can help you understand who you are and what you believe in.Set goals: What do you want to achieve in life? Setting goals can help you give your life direction and find motivation.Be honest with yourself: Self-deception is one of the biggest obstacles to self-knowledge. Be honest with yourself and learn from your mistakes.Don't compare yourself to others: Everyone is different. Comparing yourself to others will only make you unhappy. Focus on yourself and strive to reach your own potential.Face your past: Your past is a part of what makes you who you are. Facing your past and learning from your mistakes can help you move forward into the future stronger.Be open to self-discovery: Self-discovery is a lifelong process. There is always something new to learn. Be open to self-discovery and don't be afraid to try new experiences.Knowing yourself is not an easy journey. It takes time, effort, and dedication. But it is worth embarking on this journey. Knowing yourself can help you live a happier, more fulfilling, and more meaningful life.

Here are some resources that can help you on your journey to self-knowledge:

  • Books:
    • The Art of Living - Erich Fromm
    • Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
    • Letters from a Stoic - Seneca

Haluk Köseoğlu

Benefits of Listening to Music


Benefits of Listening to Music

Listening to music is a powerful tool that can affect our mood and mental state. Scientific research shows that listening to music has many benefits for both our body and mind.

Some of the key benefits include:

Mental Benefits:

  • Reduces stress: Listening to music can help lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Calming and relaxing music can reduce anxiety and tension, helping us feel more calm and peaceful.
  • Improves mood: When we listen to music we like, our brains release dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and reward. This can make us feel happier, more cheerful, and energetic.
  • Increases motivation: Upbeat and energetic music can boost our motivation and productivity. Listening to music while exercising or working can help us perform better.
  • Improves sleep quality: Listening to calming music before bed can ease the process of falling asleep and improve our sleep quality.
  • Strengthens memory: Listening to music can activate different parts of the brain, supporting memory and learning. Classical music, in particular, has a positive effect on memory and concentration.

Physical Benefits:

  • Reduces pain: Music can change the brain's perception of pain and reduce the sensation of pain. Music therapy can be very helpful for patients with chronic pain.
  • Lowers blood pressure: Calming music can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. This can reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Listening to music can boost the immune system and increase our resistance to disease.
  • Eases the respiratory system: Calming music can help ease breathing and reduce coughing, especially for people with respiratory problems.
  • Facilitates digestion: Listening to calming music can help the digestive system work more regularly and reduce digestive problems.

The benefits of listening to music are not limited to these. Music can help us improve our mood, reduce stress, increase motivation, and much more.

There are a few things to keep in mind when listening to music:

  • Choosing the right music is important. It is important to choose music that suits our mood and needs. For example, it is more beneficial to listen to calming music when stressed and upbeat music when exercising.
  • The volume should not be too high. Listening to music at a high volume can damage our hearing.
  • We should not let music distract us. We should avoid listening to music while driving or when we need to concentrate on an important task.

Music is a tool that can accompany us at every moment of our lives and improve our mood. Knowing the many benefits of listening to music, let's make the most of this beautiful tool.

The good deeds of the Jews for humanity


  • Science:
    • Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity.
    • Lise Meitner contributed to the discovery of nuclear fission.
    • Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine.
  • Medicine:
    • Selman Waksman discovered streptomycin, an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis and other bacterial infections.
    • Baruch Blumberg discovered the hepatitis B virus.
    • Robert Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus and the cholera vibrio.
  • Art:
    • Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. Her diary has been read by millions of people around the world and has become one of the most iconic works of the Holocaust.
    • Steven Spielberg is a film director who has directed films such as Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.
    • Leonard Bernstein was a composer who wrote musicals such as West Side Story and Candide.
  • Literature:
    • Franz Kafka was a writer known for works such as The Metamorphosis and The Trial.
    • Elie Wiesel was a writer who wrote about his experiences surviving the Holocaust in books such as Night and Day.
    • Saul Bellow was a writer known for novels such as Herzog and Henderson the Rain King.

These are just a few of the many Jews who have made significant contributions to humanity. They have made important contributions to science, medicine, art, literature, and more. The world would be a much different place without their contributions.

Other notable contributions:

  • Philosophy:
    • Moses Mendelssohn was a German philosopher who is considered to be one of the founders of the Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment.
    • Martin Buber was a Jewish philosopher who is best known for his work on existentialism and dialogue.
    • Emmanuel Levinas was a French philosopher who is known for his work on ethics and the Other.


  • The Torah: The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and it is the most important text in Judaism. It contains the foundational stories and laws of the Jewish people.
  • The Talmud: The Talmud is a collection of rabbinical writings that interprets and expands on the Torah. It is one of the most important texts in Judaism, and it is considered to be the foundation of Jewish law.

Social justice:

  • Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: Heschel was a leading figure in the American civil rights movement, and he was one of the organizers of the March on Washington in 1963.
  • Yitzhak Rabin: Rabin was the Prime Minister of Israel who was assassinated in 1995. He was a strong advocate for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

These are just a few of the many ways that Jews have contributed to humanity. Jews have made significant contributions in all areas of human endeavor, and they continue to make the world a better place.

Benefits of Dancing


Benefits of Dancing

Dancing is an enjoyable activity with many benefits for both body and mind. Some of these benefits are as follows:

Physical Benefits:

  • Weight control: Dancing is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.
  • Strengthens muscles and bones: Dancing works the muscles of the whole body, strengthening and toning them. It also increases bone density.
  • Increases flexibility: Dance movements increase the flexibility of the joints and improve mobility.
  • Improves coordination: Dance requires the coordinated use of different parts of the body. This helps develop coordination and balance skills.
  • Protects cardiovascular health: Dancing regularly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

  • Reduces stress: Dancing helps reduce stress by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Gives happiness and joy: Dancing releases happiness hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. This makes you feel happier and more joyful.
  • Increases self-confidence: Dancing makes you feel more comfortable with your body and increases your self-confidence.
  • Strengthens memory: Dancing strengthens brain function and memory.
  • Provides socialization: Dance classes and dance parties are ideal places to meet new people and socialize.

How can we drink ocean water? (for humanity)

Yes, it is possible to obtain potable water from ocean water. Various methods can be used to achieve this:

1. Distillation: This method involves heating ocean water to vaporize it and then condensing the vapor to produce pure water. Distillation is one of the oldest and most reliable methods, but can be energy intensive and expensive.

2. Reverse Osmosis: In this method, ocean water is pressurized through a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane passes water molecules while retaining salt and other pollutants. Reverse osmosis is the most widely used desalination method today. Energy is less than distillation and more compact systems can be used.

3. Solar Desalination: In this method, solar energy is used to evaporate ocean water. The vapor is then condensed to produce fresh water. Solar desalination is a sustainable method, but it is less efficient and requires large solar panel areas.

4. Freezing: In this method, ocean water is frozen and fresh water is separated from ice crystals. Freezing can be energy intensive and requires large freezing equipment.

5. Chemical Desalination: In this method, chemicals are used to precipitate salts from ocean water. Chemical desalination is less common than the other methods because chemicals can harm the environment.

Haluk Köseoğlu

How can we be happy?


There is no single way to achieve happiness, but here are some tips that can help you:

Love yourself: Loving yourself is one of the most important steps to being happy. Accept and love yourself as you are. Make peace with your faults and flaws.

Be grateful: Be grateful for what you have. Write down three things you are grateful for every day.

Help others: Helping others is a great way to feel good and increase happiness. Volunteer or help someone in need.

Set goals: Setting and achieving goals can increase happiness. Set yourself achievable goals and work towards achieving them.

Live healthy: Eat healthy, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. A healthy lifestyle can help increase happiness.

Build positive relationships: Spend time with people you love and who love you. Positive relationships can help increase happiness.

Live in the moment: Don't dwell on the past or the future. Live in the moment and enjoy every moment.

Find a meaningful purpose: Finding a meaningful purpose in life can help increase happiness. Find something you are passionate about and stick to it.

Take time for yourself: It is important to take time for yourself and reduce stress. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.

Get professional help: If you cannot increase your happiness in any way, do not hesitate to talk to a therapist or counselor.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. You can increase your happiness by making changes in your life and following these tips.

Here are some additional ways to be happy:

  • Try new things: Trying new things can add excitement and adventure to your life.
  • Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature reduces stress and improves your mood.
  • Travel: Traveling helps you experience new cultures and broaden your horizons.
  • Be creative: Being creative reduces stress and helps you express yourself.
  • Get a pet: Pets provide companionship and love.

Health Benefits of Sexuality

Health Benefits of Sexuality

Sexuality is an important factor not only for reproduction, but also for general health and well-being. Regular sexual intercourse has many health benefits:

Physical Benefits:

  • Strengthens the immune system: Sexual intercourse helps the immune system to function better, increasing resistance to infections.
  • Reduces stress: Hormones secreted during sex reduce stress and provide relaxation.
  • Lowers blood pressure: Sexual intercourse temporarily raises blood pressure and heart rate, but regular sexual intercourse helps lower blood pressure.
  • Protects cardiovascular health: Regular sexual intercourse reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improves sleep quality: Hormones released after sex make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
  • Relieves pain: Hormones released during sex can help relieve some pain.
  • It can help you lose weight: Sex can help you burn calories.
  • Strengthens muscles: Many muscle groups are used during sex and this can help strengthen muscles.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Increases happiness and optimism: Hormones released during sex increase feelings of happiness and optimism.
  • Helps fight depression and anxiety: Regular sexual intercourse can help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Increases self-confidence: Sexuality makes a person feel better about themselves and increases their self-confidence.
  • Reduces stress and tension: Sexuality provides relaxation by reducing stress and tension.
  • Improves sleep quality: Hormones secreted after sex make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
  • Strengthens relationships: Regular and satisfying sexual intercourse strengthens the bond between couples and makes their relationships happier.

The benefits of doing sports


Benefits of Playing Sports

Playing sport is a simple but powerful action that has many benefits for both body and soul. Here are some important benefits of practicing sports:

Physical Benefits:

  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight: Regular exercise helps you burn calories and speed up your metabolism. This can help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight.
  • Strengthens Muscles and Bones: Playing sports helps to strengthen and protect your muscles and bones. This makes you stronger and more resilient.
  • Supports General Health: Playing sports reduces the risk of many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. It also strengthens your immune system, making you more resistant to diseases.
  • Increases Energy: Regular exercise helps to increase your energy by reducing the feeling of fatigue and weakness.
  • Supports Improving Sleep Quality: Playing sports helps you sleep better by shortening the time it takes to fall asleep and improving sleep quality.
  • May Help Alleviate Chronic Pain: Playing sports can help relieve some chronic pain.
  • Can Improve Sexual Life: Playing sports can increase sexual desire and performance.
  • May Help Cognitive Functions: By increasing blood flow to the brain, sports can help improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and learning.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Increases Happiness and Optimism: Playing sports increases feelings of happiness and optimism by activating the brain's reward system.
  • Helps Fight Depression and Anxiety: Playing sports helps alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Increases Creativity and Problem Solving Ability: Playing sports increases creativity and problem-solving ability by activating different areas of the brain.
  • Strengthens Social Bonds: Playing sports brings people together and strengthens social bonds.
  • Increases Self-Confidence: Playing sports makes people feel better about themselves and increases their self-confidence.

What should we do to be positive?


Being positive helps us to cope more easily with the challenges in our lives and to live a happier and healthier life. There are many things we can do to have a positive outlook:

Pay Attention to Our Thoughts: Instead of focusing on negative thoughts, we should try to focus on good and beautiful things. When a negative thought comes to mind, we should try to replace it with a more realistic and positive thought.

Being Grateful: Being grateful for what we have increases happiness and positivity. Even writing down three things we are grateful for each day can help us change our perspective.

Focus on Good Memories: Remembering and enjoying good memories from the past helps to improve our mood. Keeping photos of happy memories in an album or writing them down in a journal can also be a good idea.

Self-Love: Loving and respecting yourself is one of the most important steps to being positive. Believing that we are strong and valuable helps us to cope with difficulties more easily.

Helping Others: Helping others and making them happy gives us a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Participating in volunteer activities or helping those in need is a good way to be positive.

Living Healthy: Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly improves both our mental and physical health. This helps us to be happier and more positive.

Engaging in our hobbies: Doing things we love reduces stress and brings us happiness. Taking time to engage in our hobbies is a good way to be positive.

Using Positive Affirmations: "I am happy," Repeating positive phrases such as "I can achieve anything" can influence our subconscious mind and help us to be more positive.

Meditation and Yoga: Practicing meditation and yoga reduces stress and calms the mind. This helps us to be more positive.

Spending Time in Nature: Spending time in nature helps to improve our mood and reduce stress. Taking a walk or having a picnic in green areas is a good way to be positive.

Using Sense of Humor: A sense of humor helps us to cope with challenges more easily and reduce stress. Laughing and having fun is one of the best ways to be positive.

Let's not forget that being positive is a process and takes time. By applying these suggestions consistently, we can have a happier and more positive outlook.

Problems faced by all prophets


Challenges faced by all the Prophets in their lives

All prophets faced great difficulties in order to convey the message of Allah (swt) to people. Although these difficulties varied from prophet to prophet, they generally included the following:

1. Mockery and Slander: Prophets were seen as madmen, liars and magicians by the society. For example, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was called "madman" and "soothsayer".

2. Persecution and Violence: Prophets and those who believed in their message were subjected to persecution and violence by the society. Noah's (a.s.) people threatened to stone him, Abraham (a.s.) was thrown into the fire, and Moses (a.s.) lived under the persecution of Pharaoh.

3. Being forced to migrate: Prophets had to migrate many times to deliver their message. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had to migrate from Mecca to Medina.

4. Losing loved ones: Prophets lost their loved ones for the sake of preaching their message. Prophet Hamza (r.a.), Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) uncle and one of his closest ones, was martyred in the Battle of Uhud.

5. Solitude: Prophets experienced loneliness in the society as very few people accepted their messages in the first place.

6. Challenging Tasks: The tasks entrusted to the prophets by Allah (swt) were very difficult and arduous. Such as the struggle of Prophet Moses (as) against Pharaoh and Prophet Jesus (as) against the Romans.

Secrets of longevity


Secrets of Longevity

There is no single secret to living a long and healthy life. However, there are many factors that can help extend your lifespan and improve your overall health.

Here are some important tips:

1. Nutrition:

Eat a healthy and balanced diet: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, excess sugar and saturated fats.

Control calorie intake: Excess calorie intake can lead to weight gain and obesity, which increases the risk of many chronic diseases.

Drink enough water: Water is essential for your body to function properly. Aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

2. Physical Activity:

Regular exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week.

Strength training: Lift weights or do resistance exercises at least two days a week to strengthen your muscles.

Flexibility: Do stretching exercises regularly to maintain your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Sleep:

Adequate and quality sleep: For adults, 7-8 hours of sleep each night is ideal.

Pay attention to sleep hygiene: Establish a regular sleep schedule, stay away from electronic devices before bedtime and maintain a comfortable sleeping environment.

4. Stress Management:

Keep your stress levels under control: Learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.

Time Management: Manage your time effectively and minimize stress-causing factors.

Social support: Spend time with family and friends and strengthen your social ties.

5. Regular Health Check-ups:

See your doctor regularly: Your doctor can help you keep chronic diseases under control and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Get your vaccinations: Make sure you get vaccinations to protect against infections such as flu and pneumonia.

Avoid bad habits: Avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Benefits of Smiling


Benefits of Smiling

Smiling may seem like a simple gesture, but it has many benefits, both mentally and physically. I have listed some of the benefits of smiling below:

Spiritual Benefits:

Reduces stress and relieves anxiety.

Increases feelings of happiness and optimism.

Increases self-confidence and self-esteem.

Increases motivation.

Increases pain tolerance.

Helps relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Contributes to better sleep.

Physical Benefits:

Strengthens the immune system.

Lowers blood pressure.

Regulates heart rate.

Reduces pain.

Exercises facial muscles and makes the skin look healthier.

Makes you look more attractive.

Social Benefits:

Improves human relationships.

It helps to communicate better.

Makes you look more trustworthy and sincere.

Creates a positive atmosphere.

It also makes the people around you happy.

Remember that smiling is contagious!

When you smile, your brain releases happiness hormones such as endorphins and dopamine. These hormones make not only you happy, but also the people around you. Smiling is one of the simplest things you can do for a happier and healthier life.

You Don't Need to Look for a Reason to Smile!

You don't always have to be happy. Even if you are not happy, smiling can help improve your mood. Try smiling intentionally for a few minutes. You will see that you will feel better.

Countries with cheap labor


Country Gross Cost Net Cost

Indonesia $5.50             $4.20

Vietnam $6.00              $4.50

Egypt $7.00                  $5.30

India $8.00                   $6.00

China $10.00                $7.50

Philippines $11.00       $8.50

Thailand $12.00          $9.50

Turkey $15.00            $12.00

Mexico $16.00            $13.00

Brazil $20.00             $16.00

Indonesia and Vietnam seem to make sense with cheap raw materials and cheap labor.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cheap Labor Power China and SUPER POWER USA

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Jewish global capital has made huge investments in China. Their goal was to maximise their profits by taking advantage of the human potential here and maximising their profits with cheap labour. China has used this process well. China, which uses the money received from taxes withheld from large companies for infrastructure and technology, has also started to create a hidden agenda against the Jewish global capital barons. 

Although the Belt and Road Project of the People's Republic of China seems to be beneficial to the countries, this Belt and Road Project has hidden goals. For the Belt and Road Project, China gives big money to states with bad economies under certain conditions.

States that cannot pay this loan are forced to give the People's Republic of China their underground riches and ports. As a matter of fact, the recent incident in Sri Lanka is the clearest example of this. 

The People's Republic of China does not stop there, it continues to create an alternative to US global companies in technology. According to the news in Reuters and BBC, the People's Republic of China is controlling people by installing chips in the phones it launches all over the world. 

Currently, there is a subtle war between the British Deep State and the People's Republic of China.

It is only a matter of time before this war turns into a hot war in Asia with the British Deep State's pawns. 

The British Deep State is aware that China has a hidden agenda for world domination. That is why there is already a TRADE war with the US. The British Deep State has increased its investments in derivative countries around China in recent years, realizing that China is becoming a major production center and will suffer losses in the future. We also see that they are creating cheap labor alternatives to China in this region. 

1.6 BILLION POPULATION Knowing that it cannot destroy the People's Republic of China at once, the British Deep State is trying to make the best use of the minorities and differences within the People's Republic of China. 

The British Deep State is increasing its army, especially in the Pacific. We see that the US is increasing its military support to Thailand. The British Deep State, which is increasing its interaction with the Turkic Republics through Turkey, is aware of the inevitable rise of the People's Republic of China.

In this context, countries such as the Turkic Republics, India, Indonesia, Thailand may be the countries that the British Deep State supports underhandedly. 

The British Deep State, which made its power felt with economic sanctions against Russia, also sent a message to some people through Russia. 

CIA, MI6 detected chips in Chinese phones, these phones are used by people all over the world. Huawei Harmony Os had made a very harsh retaliation against American Google with its original software. It seems that the British Deep State will deal with the People's Republic of China through pawns in the future. 

Hard times await the People's Republic of China, which persecutes the Turks in East Turkestan.

Strategical recommendations for American Foreign Policy


Russia, Iran, China, Turkey are economically much stronger than the countries with cheap labor and cheap raw materials in dollar terms. We should allow their religious and national feelings to increase in order to increase the work ethics and motivation of their people who work for hours. We should strive for them to be cheaper labor force and cheap raw material power. Robots have high maintenance costs.

In terms of oil, the Arabs have become very rich. Arab kings are working in secret to get out of the American yoke. I think one of the Arab kings should be overthrown and the others should be intimidated.

At this economic rate, China will be a major economic threat to the US in 2030. I think we should create an alternative to China in the Turkic Republics in Asia. We should support the Turkic Republics economically and militarily. 

There are unexplored mineral deposits on the African continent. We need to work on the extraction and exploitation of these mines. In the African continent, we need statesmen who will ensure security in the relevant countries. Because, the mineral deposits are really great.  We need to feed the people in the African continent and take our companies to them and turn them into customers. 

We are the United States of America, in God we trust. 

Biden has denaturalized me!

 I always questioned Biden.

I should have been in his place, because he caused the deaths of innocent people in Ukraine, and he didn't manage the Israeli-Palestinian war well. I feel sorry for him as a human being because Biden has health problems. Biden, why did you pick on me when you should have loved your grandchildren?  Even Trump was better at business than you, Biden. Because he signed excellent fucking treaties with the Arabs, and you, Biden?  And Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. 

Biden, you're gonna regret stripping me of my American citizenship. You're not a democrat. Trump was nice to satanic Jews and you denaturalized me for being a satanic Jew. 

What did the innocent Ukrainian people do, Biden? What did you talk about behind closed doors with Russian leader Putin? The United States of America has a great tradition of statehood. 

You will learn that! 

Look at the writing on the American dollar!  GOD 

You've offended me, Biden!

I'm gonna try to make Trump win, because Trump loves porn stars! He's in the news for incest and scandals. You don't even like porn stars! You don't even do incest. 

Trump used to give women to construction workers on the orders of the Masonic lodge.  You don't have one! 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

For Real?

Verse 1

Oooh (Comin' up, comin' up, comin' up now) What you're doin'? What you waitin' for? Oooh (It's time to push it, break it, rush it) Don't ever let life pass you by

Verse 2

All I know is you don't want to be part of the crowd Realize yourself You say it but don't feel it What you're saying has no meaning Don't hide your soul


For real, I'm for real I wanna bring you up Up, I wanna bring you up Please, please No questions No answers No more runnin' around in circles Are you in? Are you out? Do you know your way out? Let me take you up, into sky For real, I'm for real, c'mon!

Verse 3

Don't be afraid to show your true colors Don't let them tell you what to do Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in Even if you're standing all alone


For real, I'm for real I wanna bring you up Up, I wanna bring you up Please, please No questions No answers No more runnin' around in circles Are you in? Are you out? Do you know your way out? Let me take you up, into sky For real, I'm for real, c'mon!


We can be the same We can be the same We can be the same We can be the same


For real, I'm for real I wanna bring you up Up, I wanna bring you up Please, please No questions No answers No more runnin' around in circles Are you in? Are you out? Do you know your way out? Let me take you up, into sky For real, I'm for real, c'mon!


For real, I'm for real For real, I'm for real For real, I'm for real For real, I'm for real

The formula is simple: Inflation = Satan

In societies with high inflation, debtors cannot pay their debts, theft, fraud, speculation and manipulation increase. Trade morality deteriorates, and deterioration of trade morality causes other problems. 

Religious values become for show, and hypocrisy increases. 

The main goal of the ruler of a country should be to reduce the inflation rate. Other political and military moves are hollow in societies with high inflation. 

Big "Bank" and Magma

Magma, I predict that the whole world will explode in what I call a big bank explosion. You must not anger the god of money.  When he gets angry, all hell breaks loose! 

I don't care about statesmen, politicians, celebrities.  Don't mess with the god of money. Love money! Love yourself. 

I don't care what you believe, that's wisdom! 


I'm tired of politicians' nonsensical statements. Bad news also increases stress and anxiety. Bad news and political clashes should only be broadcast on Sunday.  Issues concerning the economy and companies every day. Libertarian thinking demands it.  Minimal government, Too much peace.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on our lives


God willing, AIs will cause more unemployment. And unemployed lazy people will commit more crimes. Unemployment will cause unrest in households. Suicides will increase, reading will become irrelevant.  Of course this is all bullshit.

Artificial Intelligence has a great future.  Human life will become easier. 

Everyone will be able to drink beer. In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs used to give 3 beers a day to the hardworking slaves who built the pyramids. In the desert heat, of course, there was no Beko brand refrigerator back then. They don't know the Ana ''Beko''ach prayer or anything. Their life is very hard. 

I traveled through time.



Gold is the best hedge against inflation. Even children have learned it. Gold prices, suppress them. 

I don't want any excuses about how much more we can suppress! 

O Filii Et Filiae the hymn and what goes on inside the rich people who rule the world


"Bring my private jet.

I'm going up into the sky.

Whoever wrote this should have been with me.

No, I wrote it, I'm saying it for his sake.

Look at the traffic below. 

Why people don't use electric bicycles instead of spending so much time in this traffic is not my problem.

I know you know me.

Don't believe anyone who lies to you.

I know you'll find me.

It's a small world.

Your religion is yours and mine is mine.

I'm a satanist! 

Knights Templar (Great Respect)


Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were a Christian military order founded in Jerusalem in 1118 and active for nearly 200 years. Their original name was the Poor Soldiers of Solomon's Temple and of Christ.

Their mission

  • Protecting Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land
  • Fighting in the Crusades
  • Building hospitals and roads
  • Providing banking and financial services

Knights Templar:

  • Known for their uniforms with white cloaks and red crosses.
  • They gained a reputation for being extremely disciplined and brave in battle.
  • They acquired vast wealth in Europe and the Holy Land.
  • Their mysterious rituals and beliefs are the subject of many legends.

In 1307 they were arrested and put on trial by King Philippe IV of France. The Knights Templar were accused of heresy, idolatry and immorality. Many were tortured and executed. The Order was officially dissolved by Pope Clemens V in 1312.

The end of the Knights Templar:

  • The Order's wealth and power disturbed many.
  • King Philippe IV of France coveted the Knights Templar's wealth.
  • There was much speculation about the mysterious rituals and beliefs of the Order.
  • The fact that the Knights Templar were a powerful political and financial rival also made them a target.

To the Antichrist, My Calling Speech


To the Antichrist, My Calling Speech

People, thanks to you, have turned into perverts, people who pretend to be pious, people who eat interest. You have cheated people well with false prophets and false religious scholars. You caused the death of innocent people. You increased pornography and prostitution in the world. You have increased unemployment in the world. You have increased the number of people who cannot find water. And even people who believed in God started to say there is no God. Put the brakes on. You've gone too far. Otherwise, this war is no fun!  Do you want the war to be a real victory? Give the other side a no. So I'm telling you to score on purpose. Then win the match and be a hero. Win with a joke!   It might make sense to pay off the idiot clerics who use religion for politics. 

We need stupid people. People who are grateful, who work, who don't eat haram.

Why is Satanism increasing?


Because people don't believe in the gods of people who say they are religious. When they see what religious people say and what they do, naturally they don't believe! When they see what politicians who use religion for politics say and do, they do not believe.  When they see how people are deceived by religion, they become disenchanted with religion. When they see clergymen who do nothing about the deaths of civilians but receive salaries, they turn away from religion. When they work 10 hours and don't get paid for their labor, they turn away from religion! The world is full of hypocrites who pretend to be religious! I am a satanist! I believe in the devil! I will keep him alive!  Injustice is at such a level that there is no God!

Why should we love countries with cheap raw materials and cheap labor?


Because cheap labor countries are cheap raw materials countries are great slaves, long live slaves, long live humanity. Robots cost more to maintain, that's why they live. 


Google, the first G in its name stands for God. The 2nd letter G stands for the point of Women and Geometry. Ask the CEO and the founders of Google and they will make me a liar. Because they are honest people. When I was 4 years old, I told them the name, Google! They were older than me then, they don't remember because they don't eat walnuts!

Why should I run the United States of America?

 I do not have the right to vote in the United States of America. President Biden has stripped me of my citizenship. because he saw me as a rival.  That's what I would expect from the senile president. President Biden has health problems. I respect him as a human being because he is older than me, but I have excellent plans to make America a superpower again. 

I won't reveal those plans here. 

I can destroy all the nations of the world. 

I can make them all slaves of the United States of America. 

If I had the power of America, there would be fewer dictators in the world. Because I would destroy them all.  North Korea would have an American governor, for example. 

But neither Biden, nor Trump, nor others have this consciousness. 

Only I have this consciousness. I am a perfect human being. 

I don't care what you think about me, whatever you tell me, you are yourself! Now go fuck off and watch porn! 

Benefits of Masturbation (Nothing sex) ( (Too many people, danger of AIDS)


Benefits of Masturbation

Physical Benefits:

Reduces stress: Endorphins and dopamine hormones released during masturbation reduce stress and provide relaxation.

Improves sleep quality: The hormones released after orgasm help you fall into a more comfortable and deeper sleep.

Relieves pain: Masturbation can help relieve some pain, such as headaches and menstrual cramps.

May reduce the risk of prostate cancer: Some research shows that regular masturbation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Strengthens the immune system: Masturbation can help strengthen the immune system by lowering the level of stress hormones.

Spiritual Benefits:

Increases self-confidence: Exploring your own body and what you like increases your self-confidence.

Improves mood: The hormones released after masturbation make you feel happier and more energized.

Helps fight anxiety and depression: Masturbation can help fight anxiety and depression by reducing stress and improving mood.

It can solve sleep problems: Masturbation can make it easier for you to fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep.

It can help with sexual dysfunctions: Masturbation can be used to treat some sexual dysfunctions, such as premature ejaculation and vaginismus.

What would I do with the money spent on weapons that are not used in the world?


With the money spent on security technologies that states in the world have not used, which has reached 500 billion dollars in the last 50 years, there would be no hungry people in the world. With this money, we could marry millions of young people in the world who could not get married due to financial problems, who cares? No one cares, everyone blames each other!  And they try to punish each other. It's ridiculous!  I don't believe in your lying religious rituals! I'm a Satanist!

Why do the world's biggest rich allow population growth?


The richest people in the world enjoy the starvation and misery of billions of poor people. There are 800 million people in the world who lack access to clean water. The richest people in the world don't give a fuck. They have enough money for 7 generations of their descendants, but they don't care. They even enjoy it when civilians starve to death, when cheap laborers work for hours on end!  I think the families who are in a bad economic situation and bring too many children into the world in a risk society are idiots. That's another matter.A big capital group can run over people in a private jet in this traffic. Traffic is not a problem for him. 

Are the sins of the prophets scientific?

 I've studied all the prophets. They all have sins. One was a murderer, one was a sorcerer, one was an adulterer. They all have different sins. They all asked God for forgiveness. Isn't it interesting that the prophet Jonah said, "I have been one of the wrongdoers" and asked for forgiveness? When we look at the prophets sinning, I think they are sinless in terms of cause and effect. The concepts of sin and righteousness are different in all holy books, even in sects within the same religion. Religions have degenerated from being religions! This applies to all religions. I am a satanist!  Satanism is the true religion! My religion is mine, your religion is yours!  I don't care about your religion! 

On the military expenditures of states in the world

Due to political problems and security concerns, states are increasing their military expenditures day by day. Many states are increasing th...