Wednesday, October 16, 2024

''NEW WORLD ORDER'' We are the devil and We are the angel!

 The concept of the "New World Order," proposed by global intelligence, raises important questions about the future of humanity and the structure of societies. In this context, the new world order we desire as humanity is shaped not only by the challenges and opportunities presented by population growth but also by existing social, economic, and political dynamics.

Population Growth and Its Effects

The world population has increased from 1 billion 200 years ago to 7.8 billion today, resulting in both positive and negative consequences.****Positive Aspects:
  • Market Expansion: The growing population can increase demand for goods and services, contributing to economic growth.
  • Labor Force: A larger population enhances the potential labor force, boosting production and productivity.
****Negative Aspects:
  • Resource Consumption: Population growth leads to the overconsumption of natural resources, exacerbating environmental issues.
  • Poverty and Inequality: Rapid population growth can deepen income distribution inequalities and increase poverty.

Global Hegemony and the Role of Humanity

Global hegemony should focus on the benefits provided by individuals beyond national and religious differences. In this context:
  • Human Resources: The contributions of people as a labor force are fundamental to the global economic system.
  • Religious and Cultural Differences: It is argued that these differences should not hinder coexistence among people of various beliefs.

Impact of Technological Developments

The advancement of artificial intelligence and robotics may lead to human complacency while also presenting new opportunities. However, there are potential negative effects to consider:
  • Addictions: New forms of addiction, such as social media and gambling addiction, can diminish individuals' quality of life.
  • Health Issues: Lack of physical activity can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Recommendations for a New World Order

Proposed approaches for a new world order include:
  • Benefit-Based Evaluation: It is emphasized that individuals should be assessed based on their contributions. This approach suggests that people should not be viewed solely as economic tools.
  • Education and Awareness: Increasing educational programs to help individuals overcome addictions and develop healthy living habits is essential.
  • Social Policy Reforms: Strengthening family structures and developing policies to protect societal values are necessary.


The construction of a new world order requires not only economic development but also the establishment of conditions for social justice, environmental sustainability, and individuals' ability to lead healthy lives. In this process, it is crucial for humanity to act in alignment with common goals.

Haluk Köseoğlu

On World Government and the Global Man


I analysed the annual graph of the number of people gathered in the world. 

The world population has experienced remarkable growth over the past two centuries, rising from approximately 1 billion around 1800 to nearly 8 billion today. This increase has been accompanied by significant social and environmental challenges, including hunger, poverty, conflict, and climate change.The acceleration in population growth, particularly after 1947, has raised concerns about its implications. While some attribute this growth to various socio-political factors, including historical events like the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is essential to recognize that population dynamics are influenced by a complex interplay of economic, social, and health factors.As the global population expands, issues such as resource depletion, increased demand for food and housing, and rising unemployment become more pressing. The shift towards processed and packaged foods has made it harder for many to access organic options, contributing to health problems and exacerbating inequality.The discourse around demographic changes often intersects with discussions about cultural and social issues, including the funding of LGBTQ+ initiatives. Some argue that these initiatives are aimed at reducing population growth; however, this perspective is contentious and oversimplifies the multifaceted nature of population dynamics.Historically, empires like the Ottoman Empire have demonstrated that diverse nationalities and religions can coexist peacefully. In contrast, contemporary society often grapples with conflicts rooted in ethnic and religious differences. The concept of a "global man" suggests a vision for unity beyond these divisions, advocating for a one-world government as a solution to ongoing strife.In conclusion, while the challenges posed by rapid population growth are significant, they also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration across cultures. Emphasizing the benefits of human productivity over religious or national identities could pave the way for more inclusive solutions to global issues. As we consider future strategies regarding population management, it is crucial to engage in thoughtful dialogue that respects diversity while seeking common ground for humanity's advancement.

Haluk Köseoğlu

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


1. Climate Change:

The Problem: Greenhouse gas emissions have become one of the greatest threats to our planet, leading to rising sea levels, extreme weather events, mass extinction and food insecurity.


Switch to renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal).

Increasing energy efficiency.

Protecting forests and reforestation.

Develop sustainable transport systems.

Investing in carbon capture and storage technologies.


The problem: The gap between rich and poor is growing, leading to poverty, hunger, lack of education and health problems.


Implement progressive taxation policies to reduce income inequality.

Ensure universal access to education and health care.

Ensure adequate working conditions and minimum wages.

Strengthen social protection networks.

3-Environmental Pollution:

The Problem: Air, water and soil pollution threaten human health and ecosystems.


Improve management of pollution-causing wastewater and solid waste.

Promote sustainable agriculture and production practices.

Switch to renewable energy sources.

Promote waste reduction, recycling and composting programmes.

Promote the use of environmentally friendly products.


The Problem Ongoing conflicts and violence in many parts of the world are displacing millions of people from their homes and creating a humanitarian crisis.


Promote peaceful conflict resolution and diplomacy.

Protection of fundamental human rights.

Strengthen civil society organisations and peace initiatives.

Provide humanitarian and development assistance to those affected by war and conflict.

5. Population Growth:

The challenge: Rapid population growth puts pressure on resources and basic services and increases poverty and inequality.


Ensure access to family planning and reproductive health services.

Invest in education and empowerment of women and girls.

Focus on sustainable development and poverty reduction.

6. Food Insecurity:

The problem: Millions of people are undernourished or lack access to safe and nutritious food.


Promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Strengthen small-scale farmers and local food systems.

Reduce food waste.

Provide food aid to hungry people.

7. Disease 

Implement education programmes to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases.

Ensure access to clean water and sanitation.

World Problems and Solution Proposals 

7. Disease 

Implement education programmes to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases.

Ensure access to clean water and sanitation.

8. Education Inequality:

The problem: In many parts of the world, children lack access to quality education, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.


Provide free and compulsory basic education for all, especially disadvantaged groups.

Invest in quality teacher training and professional development.

Provide infrastructure and resources to schools.

Promote adult education and lifelong learning opportunities.

9. Gender Inequality:

The challenge: Women and girls still face discrimination and violence and face unequal opportunities that prevent them from reaching their full potential.


Invest in the education and empowerment of women and girls.

Implement laws and policies that promote gender equality.

Prevent and combat violence against women.

Increase women's economic and political participation.

10. Poverty:

The problem: Billions of people live in poverty and cannot meet their basic needs.


Implement policies that promote economic development and poverty reduction.

Provide social protection networks for disadvantaged groups.

Create decent work opportunities.

Promote a fair and inclusive global economy for sustainable development.

Let us not forget that every individual has the power to make a difference. Even small changes can have a ripple effect and make the world a better place. We can work together to solve these problems and build a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.

Haluk Koseoglu

''NEW WORLD ORDER'' We are the devil and We are the angel!

  The concept of the "New World Order," proposed by global intelligence, raises important questions about the future of humanity a...